Homokaasu is the greatest mystery of the Finnish Internet. It is
an ingenious mixture of democracy and collectivity that is attracting
the attention of hundreds of thousands of visitors every month.
The visitors can contribute to collectively written stories, follow
global stupidity with Global Stupidity Advisory System and enjoy
a game of Spastic Chess.
One of the most popular Homokaasu projects is The Kill Everyone
Project. The noble goal of the project is to virtually eliminate
the entire human population. Every mouse click decreases the population
with one person and as unbelievable as it might seem, people have
already contributed nearly 4 billion mouse clicks!*
* Situation report / November 2004
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Follow the instructions to the collective insanity!
1. Check out the homokaasu links below.
2. Follow your instinct to the core creations of the gasmania.
3. Disabuse your soul from individuality and
4. Enjoy the collective insanity!
>> homokaasu.org/killeveryone
Kill Everyone Project. Every click counts!
>> homokaasu.org/gasgames
Character Disorder and Spastic Chess can be played against a virtual
opponent somewhere in the recesses of the Internet. Opponents are
always to be found in the chat rooms of the Homokaasu site.
>> homokaasu.org/gematriculator
The Gematriculator determines how good or evil a web site is by
using the infallible methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin.
The Gematriculator provides only results that are absolutely correct.
>> homokaasu.org/xxxgrandma
Snoop yourself into the liberated life of grandma and the neighbors.
These revealing photos lead you through the non-stop pastry fornication
to the exclusive world of traveling with the kids.